5 eenvoudige feiten over Voorkeurstaal voor inhoud Nederlands: beschreven
5 eenvoudige feiten over Voorkeurstaal voor inhoud Nederlands: beschreven
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The church business kan zijn a novel setting, and, with the exception ofwel several scenes in the final season, isn't too preachy. The characters are fairly well developed and their interaction credible. Een momentje though the plot seems to point to the eldest daughter, Grace, as the main focal point, in my opinion the matriarch Lady Mae kan zijn the star of the opvoering. She kan zijn strong yet sensitive, often witty and ultimately endearing. Great performance by Lynn Whitfield.
I see great potential for an interesting look at the inside world ofwel wealth. power and the cloak ofwel holiness. David Keith kan zijn a master in delivering dialogue. I love Lynne Whitfield as the matriarch with some obvious issues, yet to be revealed I hope. As the series continues, I (dare I say it?) pray the writers become more confident and provide more realistic speaking styles.
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There kan zijn heart in this voorstelling. Now, as an atheist I would expect that the religious aspect ofwel the opvoering would bother me at some point, but it doesnt. If you like dramas, and House of Cards-esque settings, this might be your thing.
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All in all you may compare this series to soaps like Dynasty, Dallas, The Bold and the Beautiful etc. A doorlopend flow ofwel fuss on your screen that is basically going nowhere and hardly makes any point.
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I often object to character-driven dramas without much story, but in this case, I feel the story arc lays an element ofwel artifice over these fascinating dynamics.
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I was hesitant to watch this at first, but after starting the first episode I was hooked. There is such rich character development and the plot kan zijn strong, if not a little predictable at times.
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